Huangyi & Kuka @第161回世界台灣文化論壇


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⏰ 時間
台灣 12/21 拜六早 11 點 Taiwan Time 12/21/2025 11am
米西 12/20 拜五暗 7 點
加東 12/20 拜五暗 10 點
日本 11/121 拜六中晝 12點

「台灣現代舞團 Huang Yi & Kuka 北美巡演迴響」座談會


主持人 鄭良光 美國台灣人聯合基金會

主講人 HUANG YI 黃翊工作室創辦人&藝術總監

與談人 Michael Alexander Campus Arts & Culture Liaison, Caltech

與談人 簡德源 文化部台灣書院

最近台灣 m̄-nā 佇科技方面世界出名, 台灣佇當代藝術方面 mā 漸漸 teh 出頭天, 《黃翊與庫卡》人 kap 機器 ê 雙人舞, 就是一個真好 ê 例.
Recently, Taiwan is not only famous for its technology, but also gradually gaining recognition in the contemporary art scene. A great example is “Huang Yi & Kuka”, a human-robot duet dance.

以下是美國時代雜誌 tùi Huang Yi & Kuka 這舞劇 ê 評論:
Here’s a review from Time Magazine:

English:It’s a pas de deux of unexpected poetry, spare and intimate.

Tâi-bûn: Che-sī chi̍t chhut lâng liāu-sióng bōe-kàu chhiong-móa si-ì ê siang-lâng-bú, kán-chia̍t koh chhin-bi̍t.



今年10月 “Huang-yi 現代舞工作室” 受加州理工學院 ê 邀請;台灣文化部, Getty Center, 台灣人聯合基金會等國內外單位 ê 贊助, 來美國進行前後一個外月 ê 巡演. 引起美國藝術界 kap 各理工學院 ê 真大 ê 迴響.
This October, “Huang Yi & Kuka Contemporary Dance Studio” was invited by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). With the support of Taiwan’s Ministry of Culture, the Getty Center, and the Taiwanese United Fund, they embarked on a two-month tour in the United States. The tour sparked a significant response from the American art community and various technological institutions.

本回咱世界台灣論壇咱邀請著 HUANG YI Studio 創辦人暨藝術總監 黃翊先生, 主辦單位Caltech, 贊助單位台灣書院 kap 台灣人基金會, 以及所有參與工作人員kap觀眾, 來分享𪜶 ê 感想.
In this episode of the “World Taiwanese Culture Forum”, we invite Mr. Huang Yi, founder and artistic director of HUANG YI Studio, to share his thoughts. We would also like to thank the organizers from Caltech, the sponsors from the Taiwan Academy and the Taiwanese American Foundation, as well as all the crew members and audience who participated, for joining us to share their reflections.

(這回座談會主要語言使用台語 kap 英語. Google Meet 有提供英語翻中文 ê 服務. Google Meet 暫時猶無法度台語翻英文. 請大家來鬥幫忙, kā 英文翻譯寫 tiàm chat room. )

(Note: This discussion will be conducted primarily in Taiwanese and English. Google Meet provides English-to-Chinese translation services, but currently does not support Taiwanese-to-English translation. We appreciate your help in translating Taiwanese to English and posting it in the chat room.)


Founder & Artistic Director

TED 2017 開幕演出藝術家
2013年亞洲文化協會 Asian Cultural Council 獎學金受獎人

Master of Dance from Taipei National University of the Arts
Recipient of the 56th Ten Outstanding Young Persons Award
Opening Performance Artist at TED 2017
2013 Asian Cultural Council Scholarship recipient
Currently enrolled in the EiMBA at National Taiwan University

黃翊工作室官網 Huang Yi Studio’s official website

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This forum will be recorded, and the video, audio, and text files from the discussion will be made publicly available for use in research, education, promotion, and other purposes. By participating in the Global Taiwan Cultural Forum, you unconditionally agree to the above terms. The views expressed by guests do not represent the position of this forum.

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