第71回世界台灣文化論壇:訪問武漢肺炎紀錄片Alone/Together 導演 潘宣羽


“ALONE/TOGETHER 是一部令人振奮的電影,因為它提醒我們共同的人性和同理心的必要性〜即使我們獨自一人,我們也不是。我們是一體的。“- – 電影評論,百老匯世界

台灣專業人士 tī 公開場合常常順華語霸權平台 ê 要求, 被使用華語.

為著增加台語使用 ê 空間,「世界台灣文化論壇」誠心邀請台灣各專長人才, 練習使用台語來紹介 ê 專業.

這回咱邀請著紐約紀錄片導演潘宣羽女士來論壇 kap 咱開講. Beh 參加討論 ê 人請先看Along/Together 製作團隊 ê 背景資料 kap 影片



We are honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with @Sè-kàiTâi-oânBûn-hòaLūn-tôaⁿ for a screening and discussion on 1/28.
真榮幸 1/28有機會會當 kap 世界台灣文化論壇合作, 用台語來論ALONE/TOGETHER這塊紀錄片

Please watch the film before the event.
Beh 參加討論, 請先入去頂面連結看影片

Alone/Together is a uniquely participatory documentary featuring artists, travelers, teachers, children, parents, and essential workers around the world, struggling and persevering through a deadly pandemic. Told through the eyes and perspective of a chorus of voices, the short documentary connects global citizens in eleven different countries as they begin responding to the COVID-19 outbreak. Our participants are from the US, the UK, Italy, Russia, Taiwan, Japan, China, Malaysia, Germany, Ireland, and the Netherlands.
這齣紀錄片特別 ê 所在是有包括 US, the UK, Italy, Russia, Taiwan, Japan, China, Malaysia, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands 等11個國家ê人參與. 紀錄藝術家,旅客,老師,囡仔,爸母,防疫第一線工作人員等, tī 世界逐所在對抗武漢大瘟疫 ê 經過. 希望通過紀錄無仝背景 ê 人親目所看著–ê kap in ê 觀點, 來連結 tòa tī 世界各地孤單 teh 面對疫情 ê人.

Director & Producer introduction

Hsuan Yu Pan (Director, Producer, Editor), born in Taiwan, explores human stories through her lens. Her latest film, The Other Side of the Sea is entering the festival phase. She is a 2023 recipient of New York State Council on the Arts’ Support Artists grant for feature-length documentary HEAR, EAT, HOME. In 2021 Pan participated in Lower Manhattan Cultural Council’s Governors Island Residency program, developing ALONE/TOGETHER, also awarded a Queens Arts Fund Grant and NYC Department of Cultural Affairs’ City Artist Corps Grants.

Nancy Wolfe, (Producer) honed her production skills at Democracy Now!, and as Executive Producer on feature-length documentary Fit to Print. She produced The Other Side of the Sea, with Hsuan Yu Pan in 2022. As a participant in DOC NYC’s 2021 Industry program, she pitched ROCKY FLATS to sales agents, networks and funders. She also produced OFF COUNTRY, a feature documentary and multimedia project. Wolfe teaches film production at Keene State College.

時間 Time
2023/01/28 拜六 Sat.
台灣暗時11點| 歐洲下晡4點|
加東早起10點| 美西早起7點|

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