

大洛杉磯台灣會館台灣學校將於3月26日下午3點在西來大學University of the West Auditorium.放映《給阿媽的一封信》並邀請導演映後座談會。西來大學配合3月女性歷史月邀請大洛杉磯台灣會館台灣學校放映此紀錄片且很難得的機會陳慧齡導演在巡迴北美18個城市中於3月26日來洛杉磯與台美鄉親見面。


*Free admission.

片名: 給阿媽的一封信
A Letter to A’ma 長度:97分鐘
film length: ninety-seven minutes
字幕: 中英雙字幕
Caption: Chinese and English subtitles
Date: March.26.2023(Sun)Opening: 2:30 PM
Showing: 3:00 PM
Q&A : 4:40 PM
Location: University of the West Auditorium.                 1409 Walnut Glove Ave., Rosemead CA 91770
語言: 台語,華語,原住民語,日語An art teacher returns to her childhood home to mourn the passing of her grandmother. As she pieces together the fragmented memories of her youth she finds herself coming face-to-face with the problematic issue of her country’s fractured history.
An island on the edge of Asia, Taiwan has experienced four hundred years of colonization followed by a recent half century of dictatorship. Yet today it is becoming the front of a potential war between world powers.
Through an artistic duty that this teacher gives to students, a performance art process that has lasted for more than 10 years, a representational portrait of the island’s collective memory begins to emerge; and in so doing, these young artists have initiated a process by which Taiwan, an island forgotten by the world and in the midst of forgetting itself, can now remember itself and construct a new postcolonial identity through art.

Letter to A'ma movie poster.jpg

若有事無法參加3月26日放映場次。4月2日下午2點大洛杉磯西北區台灣同鄉會也將會在California Lutheran University 放映。地址在60 W Olsen Rd, Thousand Oaks CA 91360,也是免費入場。

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