寒冬多雨已數月, 庭院雜草高過膝,
This winter has been cold and rainy for several months, and the weeds in the courtyard are knee-high.
今晨醒來望窗外, 綿綿細雨吻大地,,,
When I woke up this morning and looked out the window, the soft rain was kissing the earth…
輕柔無聲來相伴, 雨露均霑人世間…
Gently and silently as companion, the rain and the dew were touching the world…
晨曦漸漸放光明. 早起車輛已發動,
The morning light was gradually brightening … The early vehicles have started,
忙忙碌碌年輕人, 創造歷史寫劇本…
Busy young people, are making history and writing scripts…
浮華世間夠熱鬧, 孤寂老人守燈下…
The glitzy world is jolly enough, but the lonely elderly stays under the lamp…
回想當年風光時, 縱橫交錯多軌跡,
Recalling the scenery back then, there were so many trajectories crisscrossing the landscape,
相逢何須先預約, 有情有義有緣人.
Why do we need to make an appointment before we meet? There are love, justice and destiny.
人生戲劇無劇本, 何時落幕天知道…
The drama of life has no script, God knows when it will end…
Maybe: Expecting, Waiting…
也是一種生命, 生活的動力…
… is also a kind of a driving force of life & living …
會說話的機器人, 不知何時能相伴…
Talking robot, I don’t know how soon will you be available to accompany me at home…
寫於3/11/2024, 8 am, @ San Jose, CA